Flame Sensor
RevivingIndia Meena bazar, PatnaFlame Sensor: A flame sensor is a module used to detect the presence of fire or flames. It typically consists of an infrared (IR) sensor that detects the IR radiation emitted by flames. When flames are detected, the sensor outputs a digital signal to indicate the presence of fire. Interfacing with Arduino: To interface a flame sensor with an Arduino, you'll need to connect the sensor module to the Arduino board. The flame sensor typically has three pins: VCC (power), GND (ground), and OUT (signal). Here's how you can connect it: Connect the VCC pin of the flame sensor to the 5V pin on the Arduino. Connect the GND pin of the flame sensor to any GND pin on the Arduino. Connect the OUT pin of the flame sensor to a digital input pin on the Arduino (e.g., pin 2). Code define FLAME_PIN 2 void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(FLAME_PIN,…