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RevivingIndia Meena bazar, Patna

Presentation: Engage, inform, captivate, convey, With slides and speech, pave the way. Audience hooked, from start to end, A presentation, a message to send. Our presentation today, we embark on a journey into the fascinating world of Python and robotics—an intersection where technology and creativity converge to shape the future. Imagine a world where machines come to life, guided by lines of code written in Python—a language known for its simplicity, versatility, and power. With Python as our tool, we unlock endless possibilities in the realm of robotics, from autonomous vehicles to intelligent machines that enhance our daily lives. As we delve deeper, let us explore how Python serves as the backbone of robotic development. Its intuitive syntax and extensive libraries empower both novice and seasoned engineers to design, prototype, and deploy robotic systems with unprecedented efficiency and precision

Programming Question

RevivingIndia Meena bazar, Patna

String Programming Question What is the purpose of string indexing in Python? How do you access the first character of a string? How do you access the last character of a string using negative indexing? How do you access the second character of a string? How do you access a character at index 3 in a string? What happens if you try to access an index that is out of range in a string? How do you slice a string to get the substring from index 2 to index 5? How do you slice a string to get the first three characters? How do you slice a string to get the last three characters? How do you slice a string to get every second character? How do you slice a string to get the characters from index 2 to index 7 with a step of 2? How do you reverse…

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