Amazon Web Services

What you will Learn

Master the cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS): your gateway to scalable, reliable, and secure computing solutions. Learn how to leverage AWS services to drive innovation, streamline operations, and propel your business forward in the digital era.

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A course diving deep into emerging tech, societal changes, and cutting-edge trends. Gain the foresight and adaptability needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world

Course content

  1. Cloud Basics
  2. AWS Overview

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Practice Question

  1. What is cloud computing, and why is it important?
  2. What is AWS, and what services does it offer?
  3. How do you provision virtual servers on AWS?
  4. What are the main storage options available on AWS?
  5. How do you create a virtual private cloud (VPC) on AWS?
  6. What types of databases can you use on AWS?


  1.  S3 Introduction
  2. Bucket Creation
  3. Storage Classes
  4. File Management
  5. Access Control
  6. Versioning & Encryption
  7. Notifications
  8. Monitoring
  9. Security
  10. Use Cases

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Practice Question

  1. What is S3 and what is its purpose in AWS?
  2. How do you create an S3 bucket?
  3. What are the storage classes available in S3 and when should you use each one?
  4. How do you upload files to an S3 bucket?
  5. How can you control access to an S3 bucket?
  6. What is S3 versioning and how does it work?
  7. How do you enable encryption for an S3 bucket?
  8. What are S3 bucket notifications and how can you configure them?
  9. How do you monitor the usage and performance of an S3 bucket?
  10. What are some best practices for securing S3 buckets?
  1. EC2 Introduction
  2. Launching Instances
  3. Instance Types
  4. Security
  5. Storage
  6. Elastic IP
  7. Auto Scaling
  8. Load Balancing
  9. Metadata

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Practice Question

  1. What is EC2 in AWS, and what is its primary purpose?
  2. How do you launch an EC2 instance?
  3. What are the different types of EC2 instances available, and how do you choose the right one?
  4. How do you connect to an EC2 instance?
  5. What are security groups in EC2, and how do they control inbound and outbound traffic?
  6. What is an EBS volume, and how is it used with EC2 instances?
  7. How do you assign an Elastic IP address to an EC2 instance?
  1. AWS Lambda Introduction
  2. Creating Functions
  3. Event Triggers
  4. Runtimes & Languages
  5. Configuration
  6. Invocation Models
  7. Error Handling
  8. Scaling
  9. Integratio

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Practice Question

  1. What is AWS Lambda and how does it work?
  2. How do you create a Lambda function?
  3. What are the event sources that can trigger Lambda functions?
  4. Which programming languages are supported by Lambda?
  5. How do you configure environment variables for Lambda functions?
  6. What are the different invocation models for Lambda functions?
  7. How does error handling work in Lambda functions?
  8. How does Lambda handle scaling and concurrency?
  9. How can Lambda functions integrate with other AWS services?
  10. What are some best practices for designing and developing Lambda functions?
  1. Introduction to AMIs (Amazon Machine Images)
  2. Creating Custom AMIs
  3. Public vs. Private AMIs
  4. AMI Storage and Snapshots
  5. Sharing AMIs with other AWS accounts
  6. AMI Permissions and Security
  7. AMI Lifecycle Management
  8. Using AMIs with Auto Scaling

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Practice Question

  1. What is an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) in AWS?
  2. How do you create a custom AMI?
  3. What is the difference between public and private AMIs?
  4. How are AMIs stored, and what are snapshots?
  5. How can you share an AMI with other AWS accounts?
  6. How do you manage permissions and security for AMIs?
  7. What is the lifecycle of an AMI?
  8. How do you use AMIs with Auto Scaling?
  9. What are some best practices for managing AMIs?
  10. What are common issues and troubleshooting steps related to AMIs?
  1. Introduction to Python and S3 Connection
  2. Installing and Importing Required Libraries
  3. Configuring AWS Credentials
  4. Establishing Connection to an S3 Bucket
  5. Listing Objects in a Bucket
  6. Uploading Files to a Bucket
  7. Downloading Files from a Bucket
  8. Deleting Files from a Bucket
  9. Managing Bucket Permissions
  10. Error Handling and Troubleshooting

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Practice Question

  1. How do you establish a connection to an S3 bucket using Python?
  2. What libraries are commonly used for interacting with AWS services in Python?
  3. How do you install and import these libraries into your Python script?
  4. What are the necessary AWS credentials required for accessing an S3 bucket?
  5. How do you configure AWS credentials in Python?
  6. What methods are available for listing objects in an S3 bucket using Python?
  7. How do you upload files to an S3 bucket using Python?
  8. How do you download files from an S3 bucket using Python?
  9. What is the process for deleting files from an S3 bucket using Python?
  10. How can you manage permissions for an S3 bucket using Python?


Unlock the power of AWS with our comprehensive course. From foundational concepts to advanced techniques, master the cloud computing platform that’s revolutionizing industries worldwide. Elevate your skills, accelerate your career, and thrive in the digital era with our expert-led training.

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