
Lists and tuples are the two kinds that are most frequently used in Python data structures. Despite the fact that both are collections of things, they differ in ways that make them appropriate for certain situations.

Square brackets [] indicate changeable lists, which allow for the modification of their elements after they are created. Lists are perfect in scenarios where data needs to be dynamically updated or modified because of their flexibility. They provide actions like adding, deleting, and removing items and can hold components of various data types.

Tuples, on the other hand, indicated by brackets(), are immutable, which means that once their elements are declared, they cannot be changed. Although this might appear restrictive, immutability has benefits including quicker processing and safer data handling. Coordinates and configuration settings are two examples of fixed groupings of related objects that are frequently stored in tuples.


The style guide for developing Python code is called Python Enhancement Proposal 8 (PEP 8), and it outlines recommended practices to guarantee uniformity, readability, and maintainability. Following PEP 8 guidelines improves code readability, encourages teamwork, and facilitates debugging. Here is a thorough summary of the main PEP 8 recommendations:
Use four spaces to ensure uniformity indentation across your whole codebase.
Line Length: To improve reading and avoid horizontal scrolling, keep lines to 79 characters.
Import Statements: Position import statements at the beginning of the file, using blank lines to divide imports from local, third-party, and standard libraries.
Naming conventions: Give variables, functions, classes, and modules meaningful names according to established guidelines. For variable names, use lowercase with underscores; capitalise words.